Officers Saber Refurbish


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This is a 120 year old (?) refurbished Officers Saber. A few years a go I had a local Mexican man making my leather sheaths. On one visit he took this sword down off his wall to show me and asked me to clean it up. I had seen it there but in the dim light and dust, I thought it was just a cheap Chinese novelty sword. As I started to clean it, I saw inscriptions on the blade. With a little research I learned that this is a sword given as a presentation when an officer received his commission. It is an officers sword form the Mexican navy about the turn of the 20th century. After completely dismantling the sword I found the makers small tool marks. Upon return to the shop he was impressed but offered to sell it to me. We struck a deal. But my wife loves it and it is now hers and I behave much better than I use to!